Saturday, July 2, 2011

"What are you doing here? I thought you graduated? Why are you still here?"


Today was my last day at SSU. I have had an amazing last year which can easily be themed “What are you doing here? I thought you graduated? Why are you still here?” I have been so blessed this last year working with so many wonderful individuals at Sonoma State and Larson Family Winery and have learned and grown so much. I have been surrounded by so many incredible friends and have really gained a family; I must have done something real good in a previous life to be as lucky as I am in this one. I can not express how thankful I am for everyone who has been in my life these last past years and I am sad to be closing this very special chapter of my life.

If I said everything I wanted to say about this past year at Sonoma, all my visits to Danville, and everyone I love we would be here all day but I hope everyone knows how much they mean to me and how fortunate I am to have had them be a part of my life.

Today was filled with lots of goodbyes ( some people I think I said goodbye to five times, every time thinking that was the last time I was going to see them but then being pleasantly surprised to say goodbye again), great send-offs, and some tears. Thank you to everyone at ResLife for the lunch and goodbye gifts (my little brother is very excited for the snacks), Cyndie for one last one on one (for now), Jac for letting me stop by even while she was busy with packing, my other half of Csquared for everything this past 2weeks/3years, and the wolfpack for finishing the day off just right.

1 comment:

  1. I know goodbyes are hard but I am so happy for your next chapter!!
