Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Week

7.11.11 - 7.17.11

I have officially been in Oxford for one week now and so far so good. I am really liking the town and the people that I am meeting. Monday and Tuesday was mostly used just to start meeting people that had arrived and gearing up for training. On Wednesday we started ORL (Office of Residence Life) training. Wedneday through Friday was basically just getting acquainted to the department and overall how it operates. Looking at vision and mission statements, meeting your professional team staff, learning the Residential Cirriculum (kind of like how the department puts on programs and meetings in the halls), and basic welcoming.

Friday night the group of graduate students that are in my class and working for ORL all got together for dinner. It was great having the 19 of us together and I am excited for when the other graduate students that are in the program and in my cohort (class of 2013) come. I was a little anxious of meeting the individuals I was going to be spending the next two years with and not sure what kind of individuals I would be meeting. I really like everyone and am excited to get to know them. It takes me a while to "warm up" to people and form close relationships but I am staying optimistic that it will happen and keep reminding myself that I have not been here very long and I have the next two years to build relationships, either way they are stuck with me ;) This weekend was spent hanging out around the town (mostly in a coffee shop) and getting things crossed off my to do list for work. Getting ready for another week of training and looking forward to everything I will be learning and conversations I will be having.


  1. It takes time but I know you will make new friends. The old ones (like me) will always be there but you have to make new friends too and I trust it will happen!
