Saturday, March 3, 2012

First Tornado Warning

Friday was the official start to spring break which means all students have to be out of the residential hall by 7pm. Around 4pm the tornado siren went off. It was so quiet I didn't hear it but was able to get alerts from my superior to have everyone head down to the basement. Since it was spring break most students had left but we did have some parents hang out for a bit before they took their students home. All was well around 4:30pm.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

THE Ohio State Hockey

The hockey season is coming to an end and some of us decided to caravan to OSU for the final hockey game of the regular season. One of the 2nd years' boyfriend is a graduating senior on the team and we wanted to support him during his last game. The OSU hockey arena is crazy, it looks like the Sharks arena. A lot of other Miami students came and I can hear as many Miami cheers as OSU ones. In the first minute of the game Miami scored a goal and a whole section of Miami fans yelled the traditional Miami cheer.

Final score: 5 to 1 Miami

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Every three year Miami throws a big event called Charter Day Ball to commemorate, well, Miami's charter day and it takes three years to plan. Some of us went to support a fellow grad who had been advising the various planning committees for the last three years. It was like prom on steroids, lots of students in gowns and tuxes. I also asked my friend Zak to be my "date" to embarrass him in class, picture included.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ice Rain . . . The Adventures of Living Outside of Califonia

Last night it had already begun but this morning I woke up early to get my car ready to drive students to Community Council training and this is what I found. You can't really tell but my entire car is covered in layers of ice.

Redhawk Hockey

I went to a Miami hockey game with a few of my RAs. It's a bit crazy being in the student section. Everyone stands the whole time and there is a cheer for everything, usually inappropriate but even the band and announcer get into it. It's a cool experience going to a Division I game with a decent amount of school spirit.


One of the classes I am taking is a foundation course called Educational Leadership and Organizational which discusses why Student Affairs is a unique organization. We were discussing how college and universities are like a bubble where many times students aren't aware of external changes. One example of how some times there are changes was furlough. Ahhh, my heart stopped a bit.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Nights = Staff Nights

Half way through the second week of classes and half way through Resident Assistant interviews. Had dinner and then coffee with the wonderful Kira Newman. It is such a blessing to have Kira here. We can talk about all the class and work stuff, friends from Sonoma, and everything else with life and we both just get it. It is crazy to think how much our friendship has grown from sophomore year of college till now and how much closer we are. I am extremely lucky to have her in my life. I don't get to see her nearly as much as I wish with our busy schedules but when I do I feel ready to take on grad school.
After dinner and coffee was staff meeting with my incredible RAs. For a fun staff activity we asked each other questions from the book in the picture. Gotta love all the clever jokes they are able to come up with. Highlight of my week every week.